Marketing Scaleurs
4 min readOct 6, 2021


Facebook Advertising has made its place in digital marketing strategies. With flourishing tools and campaigns, any project can benefit from this global platform. With Facebook ads strategy on-point, you’re ready to buckle up on the ride of benefits.

Though Facebook Advertisement caters to zillions of business-making opportunities, it’s essential to understand the skeleton of this service. Your real-time revenue is at massive risk if you get it wrong.

There are fair chances of turning your ROI multifold. All you need is a comprehensive guide that keeps you away from losses and updated with the latest service transformation. Hence, we’re here!

Catch up with Facebook Ads in 2021:

1. Ad Preview Experience

Numerous changes were accounted for on Facebook’s Ads Manager, but one of the most experiential and beneficial updates is improving Ad Preview Experience.

The expanded preview of the ads has a side-by-side view which allows you to customize the ad according to the particular placement.

Also, it notifies you if there’s an error in any ads placement, which can be dealt with separately.

2. New Learning Phase Update in Account Overview

Machine Learning has been the essence of Facebook. ‘Learning Phase’ for Ads Manager rules that Facebook learns about the best people and placements to showcase it for higher conversions whenever an ad is created.

Your ads will be less stable during this time, and Cost-per-Action (CPA) might be worrisome. This learning phase ends just when your ad stabilizes. You can track the status on “Delivery Column” as it says “learning” or “learning unsuccessful.”

There have been ads that stayed in the “learning phase” for longer than anticipated. To help the advertisers, FB came up with Learning Phase Insights, found in the Account Overview section.

These insights will inform the user about the percentage of ads, ads sets, and budget spent on the learning phase for the past two weeks. It gives a fair idea of how your ads have been performing and if you need to adopt another strategy.

3. Asset Customisation

Remember how you used to create different ads for different placement models?

Now it’s all about doing it in one ad.

Facebook Advertising Manager offers a comprehensive list of placements which you can select with just a click on a box.

This feature cuts down a lot of trouble for advertisers who initially had to tailor the image and video requirement for all types of placements separately. Adding to the user-friendliness of FB Ads Manager, all you need to do is select “Asset Customisation.” It will give you a dropdown list. In fact, you can also edit the asset individually.

4. Performance Warnings in Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager is built keeping amateur to skilled advertisers in mind. Since it requires a budget, even Facebook doesn’t want you to do the advertising wrong. To monitor your progress and gain loyalty points, Facebook introduced performance warnings in their Account overview section. You will also be notified during the ad set creation if anything goes off track.

Hence, going by the norms wouldn’t be a task anymore- just clarify all the warnings.

5. New Cross-Account Reporting

It’s been hard work when advertisers have to compile an intuitive report for all the accounts they’ve been working on. Facebook has minimized your efforts by creating cross-account reporting present in Account Overview.

You can create custom metrics to prepare an all-inclusive report of all accounts you handle. Haven’t tried yet? Give it a shot!

6. Cost Cap Strategy

Marrying the two concepts of Bid Cap and Target Cost, Cost Cap Strategy was introduced this year. Why this piece of good news is for you:

  • Allows you to set the maximum Cost-per-Action (CPA) and Cost-per-Install (CPI) you’re willing to pay for the results
  • Manages your bidding strategy for the maximum results
  • Optimizes audience to display the ads to the best potential leads active on the platform

Do you need a creative ad agency?

Give your business the gift of exponential growth. Hire Jelloow’s agencies who will work within your budgets. They’re updated with the trends and changes and also are great consultants in a time of perplexity.

We will put technology to use and stream out howling successful campaigns.



Marketing Scaleurs

Are You a Marketing Sca-leur? s•ca•leur / skä-ler: an entrepreneur who also has the perspicacity, confidence, and dedication to scale their marketing business