12 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic In 2021

Marketing Scaleurs
5 min readSep 17, 2021


SEO- Search Engine Optimization is a fundamental part of digital marketing strategy that focuses on your website’s search results on search engines like Google. Search is the central source of digital traffic for brands and additions to other marketing channels. The better visibility your pages have in search results, you are more likely to garner attention and entice prospective and existing customers to your business.

In a nutshell, SEO is the basis of a holistic marketing ecosystem. When you comprehend what your website users want, you can accordingly implement that proficiency across your campaigns (paid and organic), across your website, across your social media properties, and more.

Here are some tips you can all apply on your website to increase traffic organically. Scroll down and start reading!

1.Content is King

Content is an efficient means to clench your audience’s attention. If the content is meaningful and relevant, it is a good bait in keeping a person on your website, known as dwell time. Publishing unique and high-quality content is a sparkling token that not only persuades visitors but urges them to return to your website again. In this way, visitors keep visiting your website, which gets you more traffic.

To Keep the Content Relevant-

  • Use a title and subtitles catchily.
  • Compose short passages with empty spaces between them
  • Formulate lists and topics
  • By focusing on your customer’s purpose and objectives, you can modify your content accordingly and answer their question in your content.

To engage with your target audience organically, you need to precisely serve the content they want to read.


“Formatting content for the web” is the most heard phrase. To increase your organic rankings, you need to take that further and optimize content for readability.

So how do you optimize your posts for readability? The following formatting tips can help increase the readability of your content:

  • Write quality content
  • Shorter paragraphs
  • Mixed sentence lengths
  • Sub-headers
  • Bullet Points
  • White space
  • Several Images

3.Structured Website

Search Engines like Google marshal responsive sites when placing pages. So, to improve your user experience, you need to fix your website issues like broken links, the 404 page, and redirects.

Website structure directly influences how search engines advance slowly, interpret, and rank pages in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). But it’s not just that as users experience signals will be the fundamental aspects of organic ranking in 2021. So, an elegant and uniform website with excellent user familiarity is a must. For this, you must-

  • Clear your website navigation
  • Use categories and tags
  • Create a sitemap for your website

4.Strategize the Keyword Research

Keywords are essential foundations that infer whether the SEO rankings will descend or ascend. The keyword research sets the body structure for your organic ranking. Keyword search tools make cases easy by deciding on keywords to mold your content throughout.

Once you get an eye for a particular keyword, you can unveil other relevant keywords to include in your blogs. These will assist in locating your website in search engines. Try to station these keywords in your content as inherently as possible.

Gaping at this trait, a lengthy version is more valuable than short content.

The research proposes that a content copy of 2000–2500 is favorable for a higher rank in search engines. Long stuff authorizes you to stick in more keywords (including long-tail keywords), increasing the dwell time and enabling adding outbound links. Resultantly, you’ll be able to raise conversion rates aloft.

5.Meta Description

The meta description plays a crucial role in ranking your website on search engines. It’s a pivotal trick to boost organic traffic. The meta description is the text exhibited just below the title when searching on google. Your search outcome and result will be preeminent and better than the rivalry and get more clicks with a better portrayal.

The meta description should comprise of appropriate keywords. You must summarize the report briefly and clearly, keeping the length of 150–160 characters.

6.Optimize for Higher CTR

Setting on page one is merely half the organic search traffic combat. You also have to assure the searchers to click on your findings rather than your competitor’s.

Optimizing for Click-through Rate (CTR) has a twofold benefit. Firstly, you’ll coax searchers away from competitor sites onto your own, boosting your organic traffic. Secondly, you’ll send optimistic signals to search engines; a high CTR is one way Google prioritizes search results.

7.Internal Linking for SEO

Internal links benefit from linking different pages within your site using pertinent keywords. It is seen as a massive opportunity for SEO because generally, traffic is not allocated across all pages evenly, leaving many pages forsaken.

But internal links are also beneficial for general efficacy as they help with the flow of content across pages. They also drop page depth as most pages can be admitted within a few clicks.

8.Image Optimization for SEO

Not only has visual search unfolded over the years, but images are now used for almost everything right from selling products to administering ads. Thus, it is only realistic that 2021 will be a show time for images.

  • Perpetually compress your images before publishing.
  • Change the file name wisely.
  • When choosing alt text, focus on creating valuable, information-rich content.
  • Mobile SEO should prevail as a necessary part of your SEO strategy
  • Optimize for additional traffic


Backlinks are indispensable for your SEO strategy. Back-linking is a protocol to get traffic by joining hands with another website; they link your website in their content, by which you get referral traffic.

To get organic traffic, you need to keep in mind that your backlink is obtained artlessly; when users and readers find your content gripping, they decide to share it with others. Eventually, you get the traffic effortlessly and naturally.

10.Enhance your page load time

A website that loads slowly does two-way damage. Firstly, Google inspects the crawling pace, which hurts your site’s organic ranking. Secondly, a slow speed grudges customer conversion rate and amplifies the forsaking rates for your business. The second factor correlates to the first one: visitors don’t amuse your website, losing search engine ranking.

So, start by checking your website’s load time and upgrade your site’s speed after that. Optimizing images is an excellent way to accelerate load time.

11.Scan the Duplicate Content

Google doesn’t appreciate duplicate content. This situation happens when the same content appears on several varied URLs. Most site audit tools let you scan for identical or duplicate content by default, or you can use a reliable tool for it, such as Siteliner.

12.Setting up HTTPS

Since 2014, keeping a secure website has been a significant factor in ranking; Google only emphasizes it as a web upgrade. However, if you’re not on HTTPS, there is an elevated chance it’s also deterring your rankings.

Nowadays, most web hosting firms give out HTTPS certificates for free, so there is no reason not to chop and change. Even if yours doesn’t, you’ll be able to pick one up for the same price as your yearly domain renewal.


There’s a lot to consider, but keep in mind that you don’t need to become the world’s top SEO expert overnight. Organic ranking desires efforts and consistent attention. You’ll see a significant variation in your website’s click-through rates, engagement, and rankings. For accelerating your website ranking, check out Jelloow’s SEO experts offering a great range of benefits.



Marketing Scaleurs

Are You a Marketing Sca-leur? s•ca•leur / skä-ler: an entrepreneur who also has the perspicacity, confidence, and dedication to scale their marketing business